Why isn't my camera functioning?

It's possible that you need to allow the browser access to your camera. It should have asked you the first time you clicked on the file upload, however, sometimes it doesn't.

Getting Started

Admin & Teachers

Getting started with MorTraqr is easy! Simply contact us at mortraqr@gmail.com. We will provide you with the instructions you need to register admin and teacher profiles, as well as create payment instructions for either your school or your students.

Tutorial Video


Getting started with MorTraqr is very simple. Visit the register page. Enter the required information, including the email you wish to use. Then simply enter your payment information for either a 1 year or 6 month subscription or the offer code given to you by your school administrator.

Tutorial Video


For you as the preceptor, the process is very simple. You do not require a log in whatsoever to MorTraqr, and all of your activities can be accessed from either your phone or PC. Simply supply your email address to the student(s) you are supervising. Once they have completed a task, they will enter your email from their log in.

Tutorial Video